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The time in the program is for your time zone ().

  • Фреймворки

    • Talk

      The Inevitability of a Thin Client

      Language -RU

      Perhaps the traditional approach to building SPA is not so good. Maybe we should go back to the thin clients to make our frontends better.

    • Talk

      How to friend Angular and React in the same application

      Language -RU

      Once the owner of startup, where Maxim works, came up with the idea to have the Angular team help the React team create a new application. The app was a board with widgets in the form of tiles. Each widget had its own specific functionality. The Angular team's task was to make an Angular widget and run it inside the React application. And the appearance, animation, fonts, indents had to be the same as React widgets. This required creating a UI kit identical to the one on React, or somehow using the React UI kit inside Angular. 

    • Talk

      npm vulnerabilities: Challenge accepted

      Language -RU

      The talk discusses the problem of finding and fixing npm vulnerabilities. It will be useful for JS, isec, Dev(Sec)Ops techleaders and anyone who builds security policy in development.

    • Workshop

      Workshop. How to convert cryptocurrencies with gRPC microservices in Node.js (part 1)

      Language -RU

      The workshop overviews key architectural principles, design patterns, and technologies used to build microservices in the Node.js stack. It covers the theory of the gRPC framework and protocol buffers mechanism, as well as techniques and specifics of building isolated services using the monorepo approach with lerna and yarn workspaces and TypeScript. The workshop includes a live practical assignment to create a currency converter application that follows microservices paradigms. It is perfect for developers who want to learn and practice the gRPC microservices pattern with the Node.js platform.

    • Workshop

      Workshop. How to convert cryptocurrencies with gRPC microservices in Node.js (part 2)

      Language -RU

      The workshop overviews key architectural principles, design patterns, and technologies used to build microservices in the Node.js stack. It covers the theory of the gRPC framework and protocol buffers mechanism, as well as techniques and specifics of building isolated services using the monorepo approach with lerna and yarn workspaces and TypeScript. The workshop includes a live practical assignment to create a currency converter application that follows microservices paradigms. It is perfect for developers who want to learn and practice the gRPC microservices pattern with the Node.js platform.

  • Графика

    • Talk

      Cube world in JavaScript

      Language -RU

      It's pretty possible to create a clone of Minecraft in JavaScript, although it requires lots of time. In this talk, its architecture is analyzed, the talks also contains the examples of hairy code which somehow works.

    • Talk

      Cube World in JavaScript, continued

      Room 1
      Language -RU

      It's pretty possible to create a clone of Minecraft in JavaScript, although it requires lots of time. In this talk, its architecture is analyzed, the talks also contains the examples of hairy code which somehow works. Besides the speaker will analyze the chunks of new algorithms helping everything to go through the bottlenecks which are caused by game design, browser graphics and JS virtual machine.

  • Serverless

    • Workshop

      Workshop. A Thousand Little Controllers: Writing the Whole Backend on Lambda (part 2)

      Language -RU

      In this workshop, we'll look at writing a serverless architecture, its features and benefits. We'll talk about how to disassemble a monolith and move it quickly to the cloud. We'll look at the specifics of supporting multitenants and how to get the most out of a serverless architecture and maintain it "forever", as well as options for migrating from a serving client (using AWS as an example) to a new one (Yandex.Cloud).

    • Talk

      Serverless is not scary!

      Language -RU

      The speaker will walk participants through a series of minor manipulations to the code of an existing application so that the benefits of serverless-stack can be realized. These manipulations will automatically scale the application in the cloud, minimize resource usage costs, and significantly reduce the amount of tasks associated with operations.

  • Node.JS

    • Talk

      npm vulnerabilities: Challenge accepted

      Language -RU

      The talk discusses the problem of finding and fixing npm vulnerabilities. It will be useful for JS, isec, Dev(Sec)Ops techleaders and anyone who builds security policy in development.

    • Workshop

      Workshop. How to convert cryptocurrencies with gRPC microservices in Node.js (part 1)

      Language -RU

      The workshop overviews key architectural principles, design patterns, and technologies used to build microservices in the Node.js stack. It covers the theory of the gRPC framework and protocol buffers mechanism, as well as techniques and specifics of building isolated services using the monorepo approach with lerna and yarn workspaces and TypeScript. The workshop includes a live practical assignment to create a currency converter application that follows microservices paradigms. It is perfect for developers who want to learn and practice the gRPC microservices pattern with the Node.js platform.

    • Workshop

      Workshop. How to convert cryptocurrencies with gRPC microservices in Node.js (part 2)

      Language -RU

      The workshop overviews key architectural principles, design patterns, and technologies used to build microservices in the Node.js stack. It covers the theory of the gRPC framework and protocol buffers mechanism, as well as techniques and specifics of building isolated services using the monorepo approach with lerna and yarn workspaces and TypeScript. The workshop includes a live practical assignment to create a currency converter application that follows microservices paradigms. It is perfect for developers who want to learn and practice the gRPC microservices pattern with the Node.js platform.

  • Технический долг

    • Talk

      Frontend: Graphs. Builds. Deadcode

      Language -RU

      Nikita has been working at Yandex.Market for four whole years. And during this time he has developed neural connections that allow him to quickly understand the composition and state of the code base. This knowledge very often helps him not to do too much to achieve a particular result. 

      He set a goal to make "not to do unnecessary things" more accessible to his colleagues, of which there are more than a hundred. To do this, he had to think about automating the cutting out of the code base. 

  • Перформанс

    • Talk

      When the interface lags

      Room 2
      Language -RU

      The majority of benchmarks have blind spots and find far from all the retarded areas of the code (and, it turns out, the interface). As a result, we have to look for performance problems with a poorly developed toolkit and not with the most sophisticated algorithms.

      In this talk we will analyze how Chrome DevTools can help in this situation and learn how to identify resource-intensive code sections.

    • Языки

    • Case study

    • Other

      • Talk

        Neurophysiology of code complexity

        Language -RU

        In this talk, Grigory wants to show you how the complexity of the code looks like in the neurons of our brains. We expect a large cognitom tree, cog clouds with optical zoom, visual cortex and cruel experiments with imagination. And code, lots of code.